Eco-friendly cement

The Norwegians have brought cement production to a new level. They have created a unique composition of blue clay, which eliminates the release of CO2 into the atmosphere.A company called SINTEF has unveiled its new business idea. It is known that there are large reserves of blue clay on the territory of Norway, and the company's specialists have learned how to use it to create a cement mixture that does not emit carbon dioxide.

By tradition, cement is created from limestone, but the production process of such a product is far from perfect and greatly worsens the environment. During firing, limestone emits a huge amount of CO2 into the atmosphere, unlike clay, which is absolutely safe during the same firing, and cement from it turns out to be no less good.However, while the Norwegian innovators plan only to dilute the limestone solution with a solution of blue clay in a ratio of 1: 1. What are the reasons for this decision is still unknown. Probably, the new cement is not yet able to become a full-fledged replacement for its non-ecological "colleague". Nevertheless, the business idea is already gaining popularity among the fighters for the purity of the Globe. The future belongs to eco-cement.